Where Do I File An Asbestos Claim?
When someone has been harmed by exposure to asbestos, one question that will arise is where to bring a claim against the parties responsible. It is critical to have knowledgeable attorneys who understand the procedural and jurisdictional issues in your case.
At Savinis, Kane, & Gallucci, we have filed asbestos claims for people in state and federal courts in Pennsylvania and other jurisdictions. In 2010, we successfully obtained a $50 million verdict in the Court of Common Pleas in Allegheny County. Once we know and understand which companies share liability for your asbestos exposure, we will file suit in the appropriate courts.
Bringing Claims Against Companies That Have Filed Bankruptcy
Asbestos litigation has been taking place since the 1980s. Many of the companies responsible for exposing workers to asbestos have long since filed for bankruptcy protection. Companies that filed for bankruptcy cannot be sued. In order to be eligible for bankruptcy protection, most of these companies were required to make trust funds, to be available for people who have suffered asbestosis, mesothelioma, asbestos-related lung cancer and other diseases.
Our lawyers can work with you to determine whether you are eligible for compensation under any of these trusts, and will devote our efforts to maximizing your monetary damages.
Contact Savinis, Kane, & Gallucci For Help
When you retain our law firm, you can be assured that our law firm will make sound strategic decisions in your case. Wherever your case is filed, know that we will work tirelessly to help you recover all available damages. Call our Pittsburgh asbestos injury claims attorneys at 412-567-4931 or complete our contact form to get started. We offer a free initial consultation, and accept all cases on a no-recovery, no-fee basis. You will not pay attorney’s fees unless we are successful in your case.