We Know How To Win Asbestos Lawsuits
Manufacturers of asbestos have long known the connection between asbestos and cancer, including the deadly link between asbestos and Mesothelioma. Yet, they did nothing to protect people who were exposed to these dangers.
At Savinis, Kane, & Gallucci, L.L.C., our attorneys believe those who caused people to suffer these debilitating diseases should be held responsible for their negligence. We are a group of aggressive trial attorneys who bring more than 60 years of legal experience to put to work on your case.
Whether you have suffered asbestos-related lung cancer, asbestosis or mesothelioma, please contact us today to discuss how we can be of assistance to you.
We understand the time sensitivities involved in an asbestos case. It takes decades for asbestos-related diseases to develop. Once symptoms appear, however, our clients often don’t have much time left. We work diligently to prepare your case for trial as soon as possible.
Two Ways To Try An Asbestos Case
- Negligence — Prove the asbestos company knew about the hazards of their product and failed to warn employees, consumers and others of the risk.
- Strict Liability — Show that the asbestos company sold or manufactured a defective product and that it hurt you. Most cases are tried as strict liability cases.
No matter how your lawsuit is handled, you can rely on us to help you through the legal process with as little involvement as possible. We know your top priorities are your health and your family. We work to make pursuing an asbestos lawsuit as easy as possible. We will come to you if it is necessary to take a deposition. You won’t have to attend the trial and take the witness stand.
Learn More Today
To learn more about asbestos lawsuits, please contact our law firm at 412-567-4931 today to arrange a free consultation and case evaluation. Remember: You pay no attorney fees unless we win monetary compensation for you.
From our offices in Pittsburgh, we represent clients from throughout Pennsylvania and West Virginia.