How Long Can You Wait To File A Mesothelioma Claim?
Recovering compensation for mesothelioma expenses and losses requires a series of legal steps. No matter whether you are claiming compensation for your illness or for the death of a loved one due to mesothelioma, you need to pay attention to legal requirements such as meeting or beating the statute of limitations.
When your asbestos exposure case will be a wrongful death claim, it is important to know whether you qualify to file this kind of claim as well as how long you have to complete the task. At Savinis, Kane, & Gallucci, we help ensure that our clients’ cases have every chance of success. That includes not missing opportunities by ignoring statutes of limitations.
What Does The Law Say About Your Mesothelioma Case And The Statute Of Limitations?
Title 42, Section 5524 of the Pennsylvania Statutes spells out the details of how soon you must file a wrongful death claim. This law defines the statutes of limitations as two years, which can mean two years since the time of:
- The mesothelioma diagnosis
- The ill person’s awareness or when they should have been aware that their mesothelioma was caused by asbestos exposure
A statute of limitations of the same length applies to personal injury claims brought by living, but ill, patients who were exposed to asbestos on the job.
In a nutshell, the time of diagnosis is the starting point for calculating your deadline for filing a claim for compensation for asbestos exposure. This is true regardless of whether you are ill with mesothelioma or bereft after the death of a loved one. Likewise, for an ill person who has not died yet, the statute of limitations determines when legal action can begin.
Understand The Time Limitations On Mesothelioma Claims
Reach out to our attorneys to schedule a free consultation after you have lost a loved one because of mesothelioma.
Call 412-567-4931 or send an email address to request a free initial consultation about the statute of limitations and other details involved in your mesothelioma case.