Seeking Compensation For Workers Exposed To Chrysotile Asbestos
Chrysotile asbestos is and was the most common form of asbestos used commercially in the United States. Savinis, Kane, & Gallucci, L.L.C., advises and represents individuals who may have developed mesothelioma as a result of exposure to chrysotile asbestos.
A Brief Chrysotile Asbestos Fact Sheet
Chrysotile has traditionally been Canada’s number one export. There are also some chrysotile deposits in the U.S.
Canadian chrysotile is commonly used in paint and plastic tile fillers. Other products containing chrysotile asbestos have included insulation, floor tiles, ceiling tiles, joint compound, brakes, gaskets and industrial grade clothing, including gloves, coats and pants.
Research studies have looked at correlations between mesothelioma cases and exposure to chrysotile by workers in diverse global locations such as Italy, Zimbabwe, Australia, Finland, Germany, Canada and other places.
Numerous such studies have demonstrated strong evidence to support the premise that exposure to chrysotile is a cause of mesothelioma. Its fiber is finer than that of other asbestos products: namely, amphibole asbestos and crocidolite. It is considered to be less potent a carcinogen than other types of asbestos. However, all three types of asbestos have been shown to induce mesothelioma.
Contact A Mesothelioma Plaintiffs Lawyer At Savinis, Kane, & Gallucci
Our experience and track record of successful outcomes on behalf of clients suffering from mesothelioma are valuable assets for these people and their families. We represent clients in chrysotile-related mesothelioma cases on a contingency basis. That means you will pay us no attorneys’ fees unless and until we win monetary compensation for you.
Call our Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, law offices at 412-567-4931 for more information about how we can help you. You may also complete our contact form to request a free initial consultation.