Mesothelioma has long been known as a disease that takes many years to manifest before it can be detected. Victims have it for decades before they realize it, and even more do not know it until they are in the final stages of the cancer that has no cure. However, the sooner it is detected, the better the treatment options for those victims going forward. They will eventually succumb to the disease, but it can be put off for many years with an effective treatment regimen. And Pennsylvania residents who have developed mesothelioma due to exposure to asbestos can be diagnosed sooner than ever before with a new technology breakthrough.
Encouraging news for early detection
Scientists at Sbarro Health Research Organization at Philadelphia, PA have identified a particular signature group of 48 microRNA biomarkers that can actually discern between normal tissue and malignant tissue in the lung area. This means that cancer doctors who specialize in mesothelioma can use the analysis procedure in identifying malignant tissue long before it could previously be recognized.
This finding is excellent news for those who have been exposed to asbestos and are in the process of developing a fully manifested case of mesothelioma because early detection could mean new technologies can be developed to slow the manifestation. Mesothelioma is a disease that develops very slowly over time and does not show any symptoms until way beyond time to stop the spread to other healthy tissue.
What this means for Pennsylvania mesothelioma attorneys who represent victims is that they now have definitive information that can be presented and accepted by the claim approval officials at a very early stage. And what this means for the victims is an earlier time frame for being compensated once the disease existence is actually validated as well as offering potential new treatment options for doctors who are working to slow the spread to other healthy tissue.