Every year, thousands of people are killed, and thousands more are injured, in preventable car accidents. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration indicates that the majority of automobile accidents in the United States are the result of avoidable human error. When someone is killed in a car accident due to the negligent actions of another party, the family may have a viable wrongful death suit available to them.
It was recently reported that Pennsylvania State Police are investigating a two-vehicle car accident that left at least one person dead. According to the Armstrong County Coroner, a 27-year-old driving a station wagon on Route 422 in Plumcreek Township, was hit head on by another vehicle driving in the opposite direction. The driver of the station wagon died at the scene.
The specifics of what happened are unclear, but it appears that the accident occurred around 9:30 am when the man driving the eastbound car swerved into the westbound lane of Route 422 and crashed into the station wagon, killing the wagon’s driver. While police are still investigating, it was reported that charges are pending. The charges could include involuntary manslaughter and homicide by vehicle, according to Armstrong County Attorney.
Individuals convicted of vehicle homicide or involuntary manslaughter can face a slew of very serious criminal penalties from jail and fines to probation and loss of driving privileges. In addition, however, the family of the deceased in such cases has the right to file a wrongful death lawsuit and seek civil damages. The best thing a family can do if a tragedy like this occurs, is to consider talking to a wrongful death attorney.
Source: kittanningpaper.com, “Man Dead Following Plumcreek Township Crash on Saturday,” May 05, 2014