If you worry that your spouse may have mesothelioma, it’s totally understandable. It can be hard to tell if your concern about your spouse’s health is reasonable or if you have overthought things because of their risky former line of work.
Early warning signs
The initial warning signs of mesothelioma are often subtle. You may notice that your spouse seems to lack the energy necessary to fulfill their typical roll around the house or to spend time with you or the family the way they usually do. Perhaps you also start noticing significant and frequent coughing.
Flashes of your spouse’s previous job and their working conditions immediately come to mind. Could they have been exposed to asbestos years ago? It’s possible. Could they have cancer? You’ve heard about mesothelioma but aren’t sure about what it is or who actually gets it and when.
When it comes to possible asbestos exposure on the job, these are common questions many people often ask.
Encouraging treatment
It’s important to acknowledge your concerns. Don’t ignore the situation, even if you think your worry about cancer and mesothelioma is unlikely. If you see eye-catching symptoms that persist more than just a few days, you should encourage your spouse to see a doctor right away. A visit to a physician could make a huge difference. Although there is no cure for mesothelioma, an earlier diagnosis may help slow the progress of the condition and expand what treatment options are available for your spouse.
Available compensation
It’s understandable that your spouse may dismiss their symptoms because of their doubt in having mesothelioma. They may also refuse to see a doctor out of fear of potential out of pocket costs of treatment. It’s true that treatments like immunotherapies or bone marrow transplants can have six- or seven-figure price tags. However, your spouse may be able to pursue compensation to help pay for their treatment.
Reaching out to a legal representative if the condition is confirmed from a physician can help determine whether you and your spouse can recover, how much and when.