Strong Justice For Serious Disease

The EPA calls asbestos exposure harmful

On Behalf of | May 5, 2020 | Asbestos, Mesothelioma

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), asbestos can cause an increased risk of cancer or other harm to workers and other individuals in Pennsylvania. The EPA report noted that the risk of negative health consequences could be significant for those who used aftermarket brakes or brake linings. It was also an issue for those who were exposed to oil field brake blocks and other products designed to help slow a vehicle down.

It is important to note that the report containing these findings had yet to go through the peer-review process. Furthermore, the draft report was subject to a public comment period. Although asbestos is not completely banned, manufacturers must seek permission from the EPA to use it. In 2018, the EPA proposed a framework that would allow asbestos to be used in new products pending the agency’s approval.

The American Chemistry Council (ACC) didn’t agree with all of the EPA’s findings. It said that the chlorine industry had a track record of being able to use asbestos safely. It also noted that factories that engage in the Chlor-alkali manufacturing process use a variety of safety protocols to minimize worker exposure to asbestos. These safeguards included employee training and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) while working in proximity to it.

Individuals who were harmed because of asbestos exposure at work may be entitled to compensation from their employers. Those who were harmed because of exposure outside of work may be entitled to compensation from the party or parties liable for using it improperly. An attorney may be able to show at trial or during settlement talks that another party’s negligence resulted in mental or physical ailments. Medical records, statements from company representatives or other evidence may be used to do so.

