Strong Justice For Serious Disease

Did workplace asbestos exposure cause latent illness?

| Jun 26, 2019 | Firm News

Many jobs involve high risks for injuries. For instance, if you’re a fire fighter or law enforcement officer, you understand that you take a risk every time you report for duty. What about risks you might not be aware of, however? There are many workplaces in this state and others where workers are exposed to microscopic asbestos fibers without having any prior knowledge of their presence. Worse, in many asbestos-related injury situations, injured workers later learn that their employers knew they were in danger but failed to warn them.

No matter where you work, your employer is legally obligated to inform you of known asbestos risks on the job. Your employer must also provide proper training and safety equipment to reduce your risk of injury as much as possible. Asbestos-related illnesses often lie latent in the body before presenting symptoms. Diseases such as malignant mesothelioma are aggressive. By the time you receive diagnosis and prognosis, the cancer may already be advanced. Many Pennsylvania workers can prove that their employers were negligent, and such situations often lead to litigation.

Coping with terminal illness

Whether you or an immediate family member have contracted mesothelioma, reaching out for support is helpful when the blow of an incurable disease diagnosis hits. Prognosis for malignant mesothelioma is typically not more than 12 months. There are medical teams who specialize in treatments for this disease, which may not only help a patient alleviate pain and discomfort but may also extend the time he or she has left.

Disease type influences treatment type

The type of mesothelioma that has attacked your body may undoubtedly help determine which style of treatment your physician and other care providers think would be best for you. When asbestos exposure causes this cancer to flare, it can attack your lungs, heart or, if you’re a male, the lining of the testes.

The good news is that many people have surpassed their initial prognoses and have survived much longer than expected. Living with terminal illness definitely changes your entire life, whether you’re the patient or a caregiver for a loved one. The stronger support network you build, the better.

Dealing with the employer issues

Asbestos litigation is complex. Numerous parties may be liable for the injuries and damages one person has suffered. If an employer fails in the legal obligation to keep employees informed of known workplace risks, a terminally ill worker may pursue justice by filing a negligence claim in a civil court. Such litigation often involves class action lawsuits. If you have recently received a diagnosis, you may want to talk to fellow workers or others in your area who have suffered asbestos injuries in similar circumstances.

