You may recall every detail about the day your doctor diagnosed you with an asbestos-related cancer. You had suspected something was wrong for quite some time when you kept experiencing symptoms that seemed to linger but had no apparent explanation. Now that you know the underlying cause of your malaise, lingering cough and bodily discomfort, you want to focus on time with your family and living as high quality a life as possible.
It’s no secret that medical care is expensive. In situations like yours, treatment is generally palliative in nature, since mesothelioma and other asbestos-related cancers are incurable. You are entitled to seek any and all treatment available to help relieve your suffering and to help you feel as strong as possible for as long as possible. Like many other Pennsylvania victims of asbestos-caused illness, you may feel angry that your employers were aware of the hazards in your workplace but failed in their obligation to inform and protect you.
Take one day at a time
You’ve likely already been told that there is power in positive thinking. This is especially true concerning your ability to cope with terminal illness. The following ideas may help you make the most of your days and also point you in the right direction for emotional and, if needed, legal support:
- Many mesotheliomia patients say they gain strength and hope through the intimate relationships in their lives. While it may be tempting to close yourself off when you learn you have a terminal illness, emotionally connecting to others may help you cope.
- If you have a faith-based affiliation, now may be the best time to tap into all resources provided through your faith community. Many terminally ill patients say their faith is what carries them through the tough times the most.
- Coming to terms with the fact that you can control some things but not others may help you move forward in life in spite of your illness. Many cancer patients say learning to control what they can and let go of what they can’t helps them feel emotionally stronger.
- Reaching out for support from licensed caregivers if needed, close family members and friends, faith leaders, or legal advocates can empower a terminally ill patient to be proactive in his or her own care plan.
Regarding the employer/employee issues, it often helps to speak with other Pennsylvania workers who have gone through similar experiences. Many situations lead to litigation when employees who suffer asbestos-related illnesses determine that their employers were negligent.