After feeling unwell for some time and noticing signs in relation to your body that gave you concerns, you may have finally decided to go to a doctor. You may already have some fears about what any test results may reveal as you worked for years in an asbestos-filled environment and know that you could have considerable risk of developing an asbestos-related disease.
If your doctor suspects that you may have mesothelioma or another illness that could cause similar signs, you may need to undergo additional testing. These tests may include x-rays and scans that help medical professionals get a better view of the potentially affected areas. If the concern for mesothelioma exists, a biopsy will likely need to take place.
Different types of biopsies
Depending on your specific situation, your doctor may choose to utilize one of various types of biopsies. Some of these types may prove more extensive and intrusive than others, but these more serious steps may be necessary in order to properly examine and diagnose your condition. Different biopsies include:
- Laparotomy: This type of biopsy involves a surgical procedure that opens your abdomen in order for an examination to take place to look for signs of disease.
- Laparoscopy: This type of biopsy also deals with the abdomen. However, instead of opening your abdomen for examination, small incisions are made that allow the surgeon to insert a camera and surgical tools for extraction of a tissue sample.
- Thoracotomy: In order for a surgeon to inspect for signs of mesothelioma, a thoracotomy involves opening the chest between the ribs.
- Thoracoscopy: With a thoracoscopy, small incisions are made between your ribs that allow for camera and surgical tool insertion in order to obtain a tissue sample from the chest area.
- Fine-needle aspiration: Possibly the least invasive form of biopsy, the fine-needle aspiration involves the surgeon inserting a needle into the chest or abdomen in order to obtain fluid or tissue samples for examination.
Once the biopsy is completed, medical professionals will examine the samples and determine whether you have mesothelioma and, if so, what type.
Seeking compensation
If doctors do diagnose you with mesothelioma, you may understand what a debilitating disease it can be. Because your condition likely stemmed from years of asbestos exposure at your place of work, you may wonder if you could seek compensation for your condition. Luckily, speaking with a Pennsylvania attorney could allow you to better understand your legal options for this type of action.