When a sudden health issue arises most Pittsburgh residents head for their nearest hospital. If there is a medical emergency, this is the normal reaction. However, it has been proven that Pennsylvania hospitals and medical professionals do not always administer care in a way that is beneficial to a patient. Sometimes it can even lead to their death and thus a medical malpractice suit.
If a loved one dies in the hospital, it is important to know that the family members have a right to seek an autopsy. Autopsy is defined as the examination of a body after death to determine the cause of death and the body’s condition after encumbered by disease. A well-performed autopsy results in a 10- to 15-page document that describes an external examination of the deceased. It also includes an internal examination, a microscopic examination of specific tissue, which may assist the pathologist in determining the cause and manner of death, and a toxicology examination to determine whether any drugs, alcohol or other chemicals played a part in the patient’s death.
Oftentimes medical professionals may not offer the right to an autopsy. The reality is the right to an autopsy always exists whether or not medical professionals mention it to family members after a loved one’s death. This is why those who are unsure of cause of death in a loved one may want to seek an autopsy. It is a very thorough examination that can help answer questions related to why a person passed away.
Sometimes the results from an autopsy are the smoking gun when loved one’s seek a wrongful death suit related to medical malpractice. To find out whether it is the right decision in their case, Pennsylvanians may benefit from speaking with an experienced medical-malpractice attorney.
Source: post.gazette.com, “When in doubt, order an autopsy,” Robert Pegritz, Jan. 10, 2016