A few weeks ago, this blog discussed how an inmate at the Allegheny County jail may have been susceptible to sub-par medical care that, ultimately, caused his death. A family member did file a wrongful death suit, the details of which can be read here. Since this case, and others like it, the jail has come under scrutiny for their lack of medical care made available to patients. The Pennsylvanian jail has now released details of their new healthcare plan.
Probably the biggest problem with the jail’s old healthcare plan was its inability to properly treat the inmates due to severe understaffing. Generally, the healthcare practitioners on staff were well qualified, however, they were understaffed which severely affected their ability to properly care for the ill and injured. The changes will cost the county roughly an additional $3 million per year but it should mean better access to quality healthcare and the full medical staff necessary to treat a population this size.
In response, the media, the public and especially the family of a deceased inmate took it upon themselves to seek change for the healthcare at the Allegheny County jail.
While it wasn’t disclosed how the wrongful death suit turned out for the family, it can be seen here that the suit certainly made a difference in changing healthcare standards at this jail. It proves that a wrongful death attorney can really make a difference for positive change. The current and future inmates will certainly have appropriate access to the healthcare they need in the coming months and years.
Besides staffing the number and quality of healthcare professionals, the jail will attempt to keep better records than the old healthcare system. They are currently looking into digital records, specialty on-site services, and dental/vision and other specialty health departments. The family of the deceased inmate is likely happy to see improvements made to the jail’s healthcare system. Hopefully this will prevent other unnecessary inmate deaths in the future.
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Anchor Text: wrongful death attorney
Keywords: wrongful death attorney
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