When parents are expecting a child there is much excitement surrounding the baby’s arrival. Parents wonder whether it will be a boy or girl; whether it will love sports or art. Most parents do not think about their baby being injured during the birth. The reality is that Erb’s palsy occurs in 2 out of every 1000 births.
Erb’s palsy is a condition that describes an injury to a baby’s brachial plexus in the spinal cord. This can happen during the birth. Sometimes, it is the fault of the practicing physician for not adhering to the profession’s best practices. Other times, it is an unavoidable injury. Either way, a baby stricken with Erb’s palsy may suffer some level of disability for the rest of his or her life.
The condition of Erb’s palsy is often characterized by paralysis or limpness in a baby’s arm. Often, there is limited or no movement in hands and fingers and loss of sensation in the hands and fingers. Since the baby is too young to communicate its ailment, it will often hold the affected arm very close to the body. The baby will appear to be unable to move the arm, hands or fingers. This is a very serious medical condition that will require extensive medical attention.
Medical injuries such as Erb’s palsy can mean years of rehabilitation. This is also associated with years in medical bills, doctor’s visits and hardship for the injured baby and her family. In some cases, a doctor’s being more careful could have prevented the baby from being afflicted with Erb’s palsy. If this is the case, it may be appropriate to seek compensation for personal injury.