Strong Justice For Serious Disease

How our firm helps victims of nursing home abuse

On Behalf of | Apr 8, 2015 | Nursing Home Deaths

When Pittsburgh residents send their loved ones to a nursing home, they are usually making a painful but loving decision so that their loved one will receive the best medical care possible. The people of Pennsylvania expect, and have the right to expect, that the nursing homes in this state will help their patients get better or, when that is not possible, provide them with comfort and care.

Unfortunately, as last week’s post mentioned, sometimes nursing homes in this state do not follow legal regulations that are designed to protect patients. When this happens, patients can be seriously injured or even killed.

The residents of Pittsburgh should not tolerate such conduct from nursing homes. Instead, loved ones should be on the lookout for signs of nursing home neglect. While the fact that a person’s condition deteriorates in a nursing home isn’t necessarily a sign of neglect, family members should still watch out for warning signs like bed sores, frequent falls, mistakes involving medication, a staff that routinely ignores or puts off the needs of a patient, and an environment that seems less than clean and sanitary.

While vigilance can certainly cut down on incidents of injuries and nursing home deaths, it will not prevent them altogether. Should a Pennsylvania family have to watch a loved one suffer at the hands of a negligent nursing home staff, they should know that help is available.

Our office has advocated for elderly clients and their families many times, and we always seek to get the compensation that the victims truly deserve. Our firm prides itself on allowing clients and their families to participate meaningfully in any nursing home neglect case that they choose to file. Our website contains additional information regarding nursing home abuse in the Pittsburgh area.

