Strong Justice For Serious Disease

Going the extra mile for workplace death cases

On Behalf of | Nov 21, 2014 | Work-Related Deaths

Annually, a considerable number of workers in Pennsylvania, as well as in the rest of the nation, lose their lives in the workplace. Although many of these deaths are caused by accidents, some workplace deaths are due to employer negligence, which makes them preventable in the first place. A victim’s family can be devastated by the loss of a loved one. However, they can also suffer financial injuries, especially when an employer is not held accountable for their negligence. Our law firm can help families during this crucial time.

We understand the grief families suffer after losing a loved one. As they grieve, we are also aware of the difficulties they may face because of the loss. Despite such odds, families take it upon themselves to fight for their loved one as well as their own future. We admire such bravery, which is why we are more than willing to help families through such a challenging time. Taking our cue from them, we go the extra mile to make sure their efforts are not in vain.

Medical expenses, funeral costs, lost wages, pain suffering and other miscellaneous damages can take its toll on a family. While money cannot make up for the loss of a loved one, appropriate compensation is a necessity for families devastated by workplace deaths in order to make sure they do not suffer further.

Our willingness to go the extra mile for our clients often leads to positive results, even before a trial begins. Defendants and their legal counsel often agree to a settlement when they see how prepared and determined we are for litigation. Despite the impending victory, we do not accept just any form of settlement. We make sure that it is truly favorable for our clients. Our Pittsburgh law firm is not just committed to upholding our high standards of legal service, more importantly, we are committed to making sure justice is given to our clients.

