Strong Justice For Serious Disease

Nursing home chain to ordered to pay $2 million to patients

On Behalf of | Oct 12, 2016 | Nursing Home Deaths

A troubling case related to nursing home abuse has surfaced in a Pennsylvania nursing home chain that cares for the elderly. After loved ones reach a certain age or medical condition, it is often family member’s best option to consider moving their loved one to a nursing home. Usually sons or daughters need to make this difficult decision for their aging parents. This likely gives many PA families a scare, since they themselves likely know loved ones living in a Pennsylvania nursing home.

Recently, a suit was filed against the local nursing home chain, that operated 22 nursing home facilities throughout the state. Scarily enough, this suit wasn’t related to faulty equipment. It was due to an inability to provide basic services to their customers. Basic services could range anywhere from failing to provide the ability to eat, shower or incontinence due to understaffing per patient.

Due to this, the PA nursing home chain was ordered by the judge to pay $2M to the injured parties. How that money is divided is unclear from the article, but a chunk of it will go towards the Department of Health. This money will help the Department of help to better catch and prevent instances like this from happening again. While prevention is key, it doesn’t change the fact that the elderly residents were not granted access to basic needs. The families are likely traumatized after this experience, as are the residents who suffered through it.

Nursing home neglect or abuse is a serious issue. Since nursing homes are given the responsibility of caring for their residents, it is terrible to see an instance where the residents are not properly care for. Some residents, depending on their condition, may be unaware or unable to vocalize instances of nursing home neglect. The residents and families in this case were brave, in that they vocalized their concerns and the state reached a settlement.

Source:, “Pennsylvania nursing home chain to pay $2m settlement,” October 5, 2016

